Remember 2 years ago when I got married? What a difference a couple years can make eh? I am grateful to have had the time I had with Johnny and know that I will always have good memories of those short few years. I am also grateful to know that life isn't over because we didn't work out. I had an awesome opportunity to travel west last week and witness the marriage of two of the most amazing people I know, Ryan and Jannali! Looking at them reaffirmed my belief in the marriage ordinance--Jannali looked SO gorgeous and they were obviously SO happy and I know they are SO going all the way!! I was so blessed to be able to celebrate with them and see some great friends I haven't seen since my own reception. How awesome to be able to see these people 2 years later and not feel like a week had passed since then! I was also able to get some prayers and questions answered in attending the temple with my mom. I filled out divorce papers and delivered them to Johnny's parents for him to file. I don't know that he will follow through on it but I have done my part and it is on him til December. I got to spend some quality time with my nephew, Tristan. He has changed a bit since John and I used to babysit when he was a little turtle baby. I have been deemed Auntie "Ha" Halley is difficult to say (Even for many adults) and making him laugh is the funnest thing I can think of so I will take it!! It was quite the week Were there times that sucked the big cahones? Why yes, yes there were. Was it all worth it? You bet your sweet bippy it was!!Mommy and I hitting the Road. In Coordinating outfits, of course!
Kimber Sue and I at the reception of the year! Can't wait to be her fake lesbian wife in Wyoming! HAHA
Andrea and Halley are pretty much models! So Hot right now!
My Wiggly lil' Nephew, Tristan and his Auntie Ha!
The Totally Gorgeous Bride and Groom. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!