Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Its beginning to look a bit like springtime....about every three days. We've still got patches of snow and about once a week we're getting a lovely rain/snow/slush mixture falling from the skies. But today is gorgeousness! And the forecast is varied in the next week...maybe its spring...maybe not.

I puppy-sat for my sister last week while she and her husband went to New York City...I don't like being in their house alone so instead of sleeping upstairs in the nursery (with no window coverings) I slept on their love-sac in the family room..and the puppies slept inside with me....Don't tell Chad! Johnny was able to come over a couple nights and hang out with me and the pups for a bit before our curfew hit. And one night he brought me my valentine's day present: a tanning package to my favorite tanning parlor! Yay! I've been saying for a few weeks that I wanted to start tanning again because A) I'm pasty 2) I'm chubby and tan and chubby is much cuter than pale and chubby C) it helps with my skin and my seasonal affective disorder....not to mention when you're engaged to an indian you're always pale. It's better to not be transparent!

We did our cake tasting saturday and I am way excited for our wedding cake: It is going to be a lemon cake (very light tasting) with a Meyer Lemon curd filling with lemon buttercream frosting. I know it sounds like lemon overkill but trust me it's not overpowering and its delicious and PERFECT for an august evening in Utah! :D Johnny is also having Ro do his groom's cake but he purposely made me nervous by making a point of telling her he would describe what he wanted later...that it had to be a secret from me...jerk! lol I'm sure its fine but he did it on purpose!

Let's see what else has been going on in my world...OH so there was an earthquake in Nevada on thursday...and for some reason (maybe connected, maybe not) our ENTIRE computer system campus wide went down..that was a bit of stress and hecticness right there. Appointments had to be cancelled, we had to go on disaster divert because we couldn't admit anyone to the hospital, we had to page Cardiac Arrest teams was it a party. Our computer system was down from 11:30 am to 7:20 that night. I thought the way to take down a hospital was just to get the pager system down (Dr.'s FREAK when they can't page) but no..take out a computer or two and see what happens.

Johnny has been very sweet and cute lately. I don't know if it's because spring is just peaking around the corner or if its because we have been doing better with "the rules" or what. But I kind of like it. He sent me a random text message today just to ask "do you wanna be my wife" it was kind of cute. That's probably really cheesy and sappy but I'm in love so deal with it!!

Speaking of love...Mr Todd Elliot is getting married next saturday. I'm excited...especially since it's saturday morning so Johnny gets to come with me! It's so crazy... But I feel so loved cause I get to be part of the "family" ceremony. Johnny has to work so he can't go to the reception with I may have to drive back down after he heads to work. I love Todd and I'm so excited he's getting married...That girl better be good to him or I'll beat her! BWAHAHA! He was so funny when he told me he was engaged we were talking about how everything was going so well for both of us and he said "and we're both getting different people!" I had to laugh...cause it's so true.

I think that's good for the day...Yay for happiness and stuff!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Pink Valentine's Day!

So I kinda forget about this....mostly because I've been trying to get all my ducks in a row with my projects and such. But here we are!

Things have been crazy but good. After the events of the previous post and my slight mental breakdown we all took a deep breath and kept going. I started class and, other than some small discipline issues. we were all okay. I've decided that since I'm basically a substitute teacher to them at this point, that's why they don't want to be good. The ones that haven't done any classes at the school before love me...they don't always know when to stop talking...I think once everyone gets used to me and my ways it'll be a lot more fun and much easier to get our work done.

My room is dry. They had to remove the padding that had disintegrated from the flood and while I am at Brittany's next week puppy-sitting they're going to replace it. Plus I get to cuddle with my niece dogs and hang out on their monsterSac (a knock off of a love sac).

Johnny and I had our first Valentine's Day celebration yesterday. I know that the actual Holiday is tomorrow but , of course, the man's gotta work. So we went to Faustina and had a very nice dinner...I felt bad cause it was pretty pricey but it was so good and just overall a nice dinner. We went over to the gateway to see Juno and since we had a little less than an hour before it started we walked over to the little arcade to play around. The first game we played was Deal or No Deal and won 1000 tickets! lol We were such dorks and it was so much fun...we even did the good old photo booth. We used our tickets to get snacks for the movie so it all worked out! Aww good times. I kind of love him....and i get to eat my leftovers for dinner tonight! :D

I have class again tonight and we're going to do some improv so we'll see if we can keep their attention a little longer. Off I go!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Nude Finger Day

Title refers to the fact that I left my engagement ring at home this morning and my finger is very very naked and its just a sample of how my day has been going since 10:30 last night.

OK: Good news! I (finally) met with Penny at the youth theatre wednesday night. I work 9-5:30 and most school offices are closed by then but we worked it out and it went really well. I start teaching the Drama Company class on wednesday from 5-6:30. I'm so excited!! I have six girls and two boys ages 9, 10, and 11. We meet once a week for ten weeks (twelve if you count the two weeks we have off for spring breaks) and at the end put on a performance. I'm so ready to get in and meet my students! I'm making them all Black and Silver Star Name tags. I'm stoked but at the same time I had written the start date down wrong so I thought I had more time...not a big deal just bit of stress. Also today is friday which means jeans day and I'm wearing my skinny-jeans. I feel kind of chubby in them but I can sit and breathe comfortably So yay.

Now the "since 10:30 last night" story: I was sitting in bed, had the TV on, and was about to start working on my lesson plan for wednesday's class when I heard dripping coming from the little closet in my room with the furnace and water heater. I opened the door to find a rain forest: the hot water expansion tank (high pressure) had sprung a leak and was spraying everywhere-it was dripping from the walls and ceiling, there was a 1/4 inch of standing water on the floor and it was still spraying fast enough that it soak through a super heavy shop paper towel in less than 5 seconds. I started picking clothes up and putting them away (I just did laundry and hadn't stored them yet) and when I hung something up in my closet I felt a little moisture. I though it was just melted snow from my boot...but soon found that the water at soaked through the walls and was pooling under my carpet. It had entirely soaked several items of clothing and was so saturated that when you stepped on the carpet it would shoot water out. We had to turn our hot water off to stop it form spraying. I got most of the stuff up off the ground, did a load of laundry with the wet stuff and went to bed very stressed and tired. In the hurry to get out this morning before our Landlord's father came to fix it...I left my beautiful ring in its box on my nightstand, on the way in to work I hit every single red light, and it was snowy and gross so I clocked on a minute late. And then we were ridiculously crazy slit-your-wrists busy, which in my state of mind only pissed me off.

Chelsie got to work around 2 and gave me tho official report: we now have hot water again, they put a new tank on (sans holes) and have begun the clean-up process. Unfortunately the water had so entirely saturated the carpet that the padding was practically disintegrating. So that means they have to replace the carpet in my room, when they do so I will be room-less. Much like tonight. They have fans and stuff going, they've ripped up part of the carpet, and will be working in my room until late tonight which means for the next couple days I'm sleeping on the couch or at someone else's house. And I still have projects due at work including recognition committee birthday board, the behavior standard bulletin board (ownership focus), and a unique valentines box. I also still have not done my lesson plan or made the kids nametags. Nor have I done anything wedding related, other than look at resorts for our honeymoon. but nothing has been accomplished. And here I am blogging away---no wonder I failed out of school!