Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Its beginning to look a bit like springtime....about every three days. We've still got patches of snow and about once a week we're getting a lovely rain/snow/slush mixture falling from the skies. But today is gorgeousness! And the forecast is varied in the next week...maybe its spring...maybe not.

I puppy-sat for my sister last week while she and her husband went to New York City...I don't like being in their house alone so instead of sleeping upstairs in the nursery (with no window coverings) I slept on their love-sac in the family room..and the puppies slept inside with me....Don't tell Chad! Johnny was able to come over a couple nights and hang out with me and the pups for a bit before our curfew hit. And one night he brought me my valentine's day present: a tanning package to my favorite tanning parlor! Yay! I've been saying for a few weeks that I wanted to start tanning again because A) I'm pasty 2) I'm chubby and tan and chubby is much cuter than pale and chubby C) it helps with my skin and my seasonal affective disorder....not to mention when you're engaged to an indian you're always pale. It's better to not be transparent!

We did our cake tasting saturday and I am way excited for our wedding cake: It is going to be a lemon cake (very light tasting) with a Meyer Lemon curd filling with lemon buttercream frosting. I know it sounds like lemon overkill but trust me it's not overpowering and its delicious and PERFECT for an august evening in Utah! :D Johnny is also having Ro do his groom's cake but he purposely made me nervous by making a point of telling her he would describe what he wanted later...that it had to be a secret from me...jerk! lol I'm sure its fine but he did it on purpose!

Let's see what else has been going on in my world...OH so there was an earthquake in Nevada on thursday...and for some reason (maybe connected, maybe not) our ENTIRE computer system campus wide went down..that was a bit of stress and hecticness right there. Appointments had to be cancelled, we had to go on disaster divert because we couldn't admit anyone to the hospital, we had to page Cardiac Arrest teams was it a party. Our computer system was down from 11:30 am to 7:20 that night. I thought the way to take down a hospital was just to get the pager system down (Dr.'s FREAK when they can't page) but no..take out a computer or two and see what happens.

Johnny has been very sweet and cute lately. I don't know if it's because spring is just peaking around the corner or if its because we have been doing better with "the rules" or what. But I kind of like it. He sent me a random text message today just to ask "do you wanna be my wife" it was kind of cute. That's probably really cheesy and sappy but I'm in love so deal with it!!

Speaking of love...Mr Todd Elliot is getting married next saturday. I'm excited...especially since it's saturday morning so Johnny gets to come with me! It's so crazy... But I feel so loved cause I get to be part of the "family" ceremony. Johnny has to work so he can't go to the reception with I may have to drive back down after he heads to work. I love Todd and I'm so excited he's getting married...That girl better be good to him or I'll beat her! BWAHAHA! He was so funny when he told me he was engaged we were talking about how everything was going so well for both of us and he said "and we're both getting different people!" I had to laugh...cause it's so true.

I think that's good for the day...Yay for happiness and stuff!!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Wow I sure picked the right day to check on your blog, a fresh post and everything. I'm glad things are going well for you. Your man sounds like a sweetheart, sap and all. Good for you guys for setting rules and sticking to them. Trust me it pays off. Your cake sounds amazing!