Thursday, March 6, 2008

Another Happy Post!

Happy posts are good....I feel like I really let my low swing get to me more than I should have. But its gone and things are up again. Man I sound like a wack-job!

I've started working 4 ten-hour shifts instead of 5 eight-hour shifts so I have two weekdays off (tuesday and wednesday) and Sundays. Its only my first week on this schedule but it is already so hugely perfect! Tuesday was Johnny's and my date night and since his birthday was wednesday we spent our night "celebrating" the man that is Johnny Ray. The celebration was modest but I made him a candlelit dinner with fancy dessert (AKA jell-o in a martini glass with whipped cream hahaha) and then we watched a couple episodes of "Into the West." Earlier in the day we went to the home loan people and got pre-approved for a mortgage. Holy Cows on a stick!! We're pretty excited and feel rather grown-up. (He should...he's old. ) And I gave him his Birthday present that has been taunting me for three weeks since I picked up. I finally found a CTR ring that suits him and he loves it and hasn't taken it off yet. so Yay!

Tuesday we also officially found out that my gorgeous sister, Brittany, who lost her baby just 8 weeks ago is pregnant again! so way totally awesome news there! Its crazy and we are hoping and praying very hard that she has a healthy pregnancy and pops one out around my birthday or maybe evans...we don't yet. Man this is exciting! Oh and everything is going well for Caitlin and she's due in 2 months! YAY BABIES!! My mom is dead convinced I'll be mighty preggers with one of my own when Evan gets home from his one year. Keep in mind Johnny and I aren't getting married for another 5 months. I'm not saying I'd be upset cause we all know I'm baby ravenous (a higher degree of Baby hungry) but its is not in our game plan. Even though I, not-so-secretly, want to be pregnant now. I guess its just a little sister thing.

I think that's about it. After my low swing and a little bit of sicky tummy its been glorious! and The weather has been pretty friendly itself. A little chilly but its getting up there--and we discovered we have about a dozen tulips in our front garden. a very pretty happy spring surprise! May your march bring you the Same!!


Brittany said...

Awww thanks!!!! Love you sis!

Kylie Walker said...

Aww you sound so happy Halley! I can't believe you are pre-approved for a mortgage..WOW! That's amazing! House shopping must be so fun, have you started looking yet? Only 5 months til you get married....!

twhalliday said...

oh i sooo happy for your sister! i dont even know her but i know what shes going through