Wednesday, March 12, 2008

At My House Eating Cake In a Dress

That's going to be my wedding reception. I have decided. Nothing quite seems to be working out with the wedding today so I think we're going to default to sitting our family room eating cake while I wear my wedding dress.

We made the deposit on our venue last week. We've been planning forever to do it at the Cottonwood Market Street because A) its PERFECT! B) it's the company Johnny and I worked for when we met and C) Johnny still works for the company so they're paying our facilities charges. However today I got a copy of the contract emailed to me and it had a minimum food charge requirement of about a thousand dollars more than we were planning on. Well Shizrick Wixfoz! The problem is that pretty much blows my entire budget. And if we cancel, we lose 500 big ones from our deposit. I'm okay doing our own food...NOT A PROBLEM. Johnny doesn't want to but neither he nor his parents are paying for it so....yeah. But I don't know where else we could do it. We could maybe bribe Bishop into letting us do it at his Cabin. I really want to use that as a last resort because we love Bishop and don;t want to impose.....but the place is GIANT! Oh and if we buy a condo instead of a home we may have a fieldhouse we could use. I don't know.....I'm telling ya: Cake and movies in a dress.

Other than that it is GLORIOUS outside. I guess its supposed to rain slash snow this week. It was supposed to start today but they said "oops, we mean tomorrow" so let's hope that continues. I just had to vent a little but I should probably get to blocking my student's show....LUVS!!

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