Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh Man...Can't Decide...HELP!!!

K this is the "queen Dress". We're going to alter the dress so the sleeves are 3/4 length, shorten the shoulders, and let it out a bit in the hips....cause let's be honest: I was built for the baby bearing! I look kind of awkward when I just stand straight like that...cause I don't really ever stand like that. hmm. Pros: It's different! Not a lot of people have this dress. It's classic: My kids aren't going to look back and think...yeah she was definitely married in 2008. It's grown up. (maybe that's a con) Its less material...we're taking pictures and doing our ceremony outside in august. (But we're also going to have a nice air-conditioned room we're in as

And this is the "princess" dress. PROS: I kind of LOVE it. I feel more comfortable in it, but partially because the other one hasn't been altered. The only alterations it needs are the shoulders. It's poofy! CONS: It's $175 dollars more than the other: but I think I've discovered a loophole there! It will be a little warmer with all those layers of poof...but again we're only going to be outside for an hour and a half before we're inside toasting and eating and cutting cake and by the time we're back outside for dancing and stuff it will be 7 at night in the mountains. I think I can be hot for a this gorgeousness. Other cons: my mom likes the other one better. so does my sister. So I need your help:

Queen or Princess? Or Keep looking? HELP ME!!!!


amanda june said...

I like the Princess one much better! It looks great on you! And it sounds like you do too...and it's your wedding day! :]

Iknowaboutpopular said...

If you don't go with the Princess Dress then you are a damned fool.

Love, Jeremiah

jes may said...

Pictures never quite do justice but I like the princess one better! They both are gorgeous but the princess one is more of what I would imagine you in and like you said.. you love it and you feel comfortable in it! :)

twhalliday said...

Princess is way way cute on ya!plus i guess you are going to have to go with that becasue look everyone likes it. your moms older an us.. :) jk

Courtney said...

I love them both, but I think the Princess one is more you... kind of fun and playful. That's just me though :) You look gorgeous, I can't wait to get mine on and show it off!

Caitlin said...

haha, it looks like you have friends with a united opinion! they are both gorgeous, and really flattering, so go with whatever is most comfortable!

Sarah said...

Let me just say that you look fabulous in both dresses.
However, I think the fact that you said you LOVE (in all caps!!) the princess dress basically gives away the fact that you should pick that's your wedding, so you should LOVE everything about it! I think either dress looks great tough decision! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

You look awesome in the Princess dress!!!! I think that is the one that you will be more happier with! I am so very excited for you!