Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dum Dum Da Dum

It is official. We have been sealed for Time and Eternity and we have walked down the aisle and exchanged rings and one hot and steamy kiss! Ok not really hot and steamy...but sweet and simple. It was so much fun...except certain people refused to dance...LAME!

My wedding party is awesome and they looked fabulous! We definitely partied...especially when we busted out the karaoke! I have to thank them for the car decorations....most specifically the sardines-EVIL CARLOS!! I don't have any good pictures yet. My mom has some from the temple she is supposed to be emailing me when they get home so it may be a couple days before I get those. Carlos has posted quite a few on facebook. I'm not sure when I'm going to get my bridals and official pics from my photographer but I'm most excited to see the pictures from when our cake toppled. Yes...ahh smashed cake. But it was still delicious!! :D

The temple was amazing! I love Nauvoo!! I Can never get enough of that place! The weather was perfect. It had been 105 the day before so I was a little leery of wearing my dress outside but it dropped and it was a gorgeous 85 on our wedding day! We were able to see the Pageant the night before we were sealed and there was a couple sitting in front of us that just as the lights came up on the temple he got down on a knee and popped the THAT is a mormon Proposal!! We met a lot of the cast members before and after the show, several of whom we saw the next day who wished us well and remembered everything. Johnny and I did some touristy Nauvoo stuff after our sealing which was fun, got the brick, the prairie diamond rings and the rope. They don't do wedding candles anymore and I was VERY sad about that. But we did get the mini horseshoe since it was our day!

Our Open house in Carthage got rained out so no bonfire. We just all gathered in the house and we still got to have our fireworks so I was happy! We had a lot of friends show up and it was so good to see everyone! Especially several people I hadn't seen in years! I'm kind of bummed that a couple people weren't able to make it but I understand that life takes place...its all good!

So now Johnny and Halley live together (WEIRD) and are back to work. We're actually living a married life. The project that has been my focus, obvious and underlying, for the last year is now over. I have to do thank you notes and everything...but I don't have a big project anymore. Guess we'll have to start trying for a new one if you get my drift ;)

Speaking of! My sister Caitlin came up for the festivities and brought my adorable little nephew, Justice. He's almost 4 months and I just love him! He was blessed by my daddy on sunday and Johnny got to assist. It was pretty cute. Daddy held him as he slept through sacrament and he just couldn't stop staring at his grandson...ADORABLE!!

There is of course more but this is getting a little long. I'll be back with more details later...Happy days!

10 Points to whoever can tell me the significance of this post's color scheme!


Jenny said...

Were those the colors the bridesmaids were wearing?

jes may said...

wedding colors, duh! love ya Halley Balley & I'm so happy for you & Johnny! When I get down to Utah, let's get together sometime. k! :)

Kylie Walker said...

Oh Halley! I love the pictures, you looked beautiful! I can't believe you are a married woman now. I can't wait to see your house. I hope you two are enjoying everything. I am so happy for you!