Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I am getting really frustrated with the job hunt! Since October we (I for John) have sent in at least 20 resumes to jobs from Kansas City, to Arkansas, to Oklahoma, and yes, even Branson. We've only heard back now from 3...count it, 3! One wrote us back to say the position had been filled, one won't pay enough and is only offering a part-time position (and doesn't know what the hell he's doing) and we just got another email asking if we were planning on moving. The job we applied for in Oklahoma lo the many months ago at the casino is looking for a sous chef again so Johnny'll be calling them today or tomorrow to check up on that. One place, that Johnny would have been GREAT for said "we didn't bother calling you back cause we didn't want to pay to relocate someone." Paid relocation is not necessary for us, we're about at the point of giving notice, packing up, and moving and THEN finding a job. People are not even looking at us cause we live in Utah. Mom thinks it may also be because of the last name. Racist redneck bastards! I've put in the email or cover letter for most of the jobs that we are planning to move or in the process of moving, but still NOTHING. FAH!

I'm getting frustrated and so is Johnny. He is SO over tiredthat I feel like if he's home, he's sleeping. Or I'm sleeping because it's midnight and I have to work in the morning. Not gonna lie, I'm a little starved for attention. Which really makes everything that much more frustrating. I know I'm not the first to go through this schtuff and I will not be the last, and it could be worse, and really I'm just being a big baby....so this is my whiney baby post.

On a funner note~I got to babysit Tristan again on saturday. He does not look like a naked turtle anymore, he is definitely a chubster mcgee. And adorable. And I heart him. That is all.


Jenny said...

I'm so sorry, Halley. That's really frustrating, especially because it's not fair. I've missed you terribly! Since Johnny works a lot of nights, let's have a girls night. We haven't seen each other in way too long, and I'm missing some good girl talk. What do you say?

twhalliday said...

holy cow! i so know what you are talkin about ahhhh we have been living in trents parents basement since sept. lookin for jobs to move on with live so that we can make more money and nothing aaaaaaaahhhhhhh is frustrating. im sorry i feel ya and wish ya luck