Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hello Lovelies!

It's Spring, and oh how I love Spring! So many things are happening this spring that it is often overwhelming and certainly too time consuming to pop on and blog every day....not that I did that when my life was boring but still.

SO here is the rundown:
Italy = AMAZING!! Truly awesome in the literal sense of the word. We, of course did not have enough time but I am grateful for every second we were blessed enough to enjoy. Italy is a gorgeous country, we had beautiful weather, and I got to sing in some gorgeous old churches. Not to mention walking the hillsides and seeing roman ruins. I took approximately 1300 photographs in my 9 day journey. About 300 of them have been uploaded to Facebook should you feel so inclined to peruse. The people there were so welcoming and nice and adorable - yes adorable because so many of them are so very very little. Also the Market in Firenze (that's Florence to you non-world-travelers ;) ) is a great place for one's self long as you can ignore the fact they are only saying such things to get you buy their goods. I can accept that. Flattery will get you everywhere in my world - just ask Franco who tied my scarf for me, or the man who called me Shakira. We're basically BFF's now. There was some discussion among the cool kids (That's me and my friends) about how we were afraid that some of these great places we'd heard all about and seen pictures of would "pull a Mt. Rushmore" . (If you've been to Mt. Rushmore you will understand...if you haven't then feel free to ask me and I will gladly explain.) We were, however, not in any way disappointed. The David will take your breath away! The Leaning tower of Pisa, does , IN FACT, lean. And you can't help but take several pictures of the touristy type. The Colosseum was incredible and our tour guide filled us in on so many neat little facts I never would have known before - like the fact that it has GATE NUMBERS that would have been carved on their TICKETS. Makes sense....but not what you expect from Gladiators and Chariot races. I could go on and on - but I will not bore you with details...unless you ask. 'cause then its your own darn fault!

School - School is kicking my butt this semester. 21 credit hours plus and additional 3 ensembles was not my best choice. I am afraid my GPA might drop a little this semester and I"m trying to tell myself that that is ok. I have to pass these classes....that's all I have to do is PASS. I am told frequently by others that they have faith in me, that they know I am strong and can do this...I fear I may have done too good of a job at faking it these last couple years.

Also - I'm pretty sure that I have some form of ADHD. I'm sure that many of you who have known me for more than, oh, let's say a week?, are in no way shocked at such a statement. I asked my mom if my teachers had ever approached her with concerns in this area, she said that they hadn't approached her but that it was something she'd been suspicious of all along. I have been warned in both my developmental psych class and my overview of special ed class that all people show most symptoms at some point in their life and so to beware of diagnosing yourself. That being said, the more we learn about the may incarnations of the disorder, the more and more it makes sense in my life. Should I be on Ritalin? Maybe. But...

OH before I forget!! I am hoping to do my senior recital in October of this year! Can you believe it's already time for that? I've been working on some pretty difficult pieces this semester and am surprising myself (and my instructor) with my progress on them. And of course, I'm excited for some fun theatre pieces as well.

(See what I did there? That was kinda funny huh?)

Damon and I are still together - yes I know many of you think this is weird but it works for us. And I love having a buddy to be lazy and watch movies with. And he lets me sing along to the musicals - even if he hasn't seen them before. That's just good manners!

Louie is doing well. He's been chasing the same fly all day and it is extremely entertaining for me, though I'm sure he is very frustrated. I am slightly worried he is going to break the window in the bedroom each time he slams his nose into it, but he's cute so why ruin his fun?

This is a very random post - blame the ADHD - but it is time for Institute and if I don't post now I'll never get back to it, at least not before September. SO have a delightful day and enjoy the Spring!!


Brittany said...


whitney said...

yay! for an updated post! I totally know what you're talking about w/Mt. Rushmore and am VERY glad to hear that Italy lived up to expectations.

About the ADD....I totally have it to. We've been taking Ezra in for some psych testing (they're thinking high functioning aspbergers) and they've had us do different test, including some to check for ADD. I didn't see Ezra in the questions but ME. It makes sense, though, 4 of 5 nephews have been diagnosed with it. I told my mom and sisters and they were like, "duh."