Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big Step

Johnny and I finally took the plunge and got a joint phone account! I know...its pretty serious. I've been on my mom's family plan since I got my first phone at 16 and have had the same number ever since. I was kind of sad to give up my 417 area code and the number by which I have been identified for the last 7 years but since Evan is home, he needs a phone, and I live in utah so....bah. I'm not the happiest camper since we are still with SPRINT but my phone is really cute and has an MP3 player and camera so I can still be excited!

If you haven't received my mass text my new phone number is: 801-750-8744.

In homemaking news: we finally got our plates last night and switched out the broken ones. I'm pretty excited cause they are so nice and my grandparents were so wonderful to buy two sets for us! We discovered that shopko also carries them so we can get the expansion serving set and big ice cream/soup mugs. We also got our fabulous cookie-making-kit from my cousin and made-of-honor Annie! I don't think I've ever been so excited to make sugar cookies. Johnny and I keep picking up the pail to see what fun shapes we can find in the cookie cutters.

We still need to get a few more picture frames and get stuff up on the walls. They are looking more and more naked as we get stuff settled and put away. I can't wait until we start our big project of putting in a washer and dryer. Sending Johnny to his parents' once a week to wash our undies makes me feel like an inept wife. Maybe I'll venture to the laundromat this week just to feel a little more domestic!

OK: So I feel like Johnny and I skipped the entire honeymoon phase of our marriage. He has been really stressed about finances and chores with building maintenance so his fuse is even shorter than normal and I never know when I'm going to say something that upsets him or when someone around him is going to set him on edge. I'm mowing the lawn for him tonight and going to make the house spotless. Any suggestions on how I can make him happier / relieve his stress level?


Jenny said...

My advice is to tell Johnny to stop being such a pooper and be grateful because he is married to the cutest, nicest girl around!

Courtney said...

Matt gets stressed about work and money a lot, too. I usually will surprise him by ordering him pizza or cooking him a dinner he'll love, or I'll suggest we go out for a beer or something. My mom once gave me great advice: even if you can't afford the bill, you have to make time to go out on dates and do something special. Matt and I, broke as we are, try to go out once or twice a month on a little dinner-and-a-movie date or something, and it seems to keep our stress a little in check! Sorry I missed your big day, sweetie, you looked lovely and I'm so happy for you :)