Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We Have Babies!

...well fishies anyway. I have a fish tank I got while attending Truman, it has had angelfish, fantails, tetras, and dwarf frogs in it before but has been sitting empty since the frogs died while I was in France. Last night we brought home our first joint-pets. 5 brightly colored guppies, including one whose tail had been nibbled a little in the store. I was so excited to bring them home and watch them swimming around. But it concerns me a little at what kind of mother I'll be: I know that sounds ridiculous but let me explain. I got the fishes home and was worried about them being in the plastic bag too long, and then whether the water was too warm or too cold, I worried when one wasn't swimming around enough and when they were all swimming crazy. With fish you can't tell if they're happy or sad, or sick or hungry and I was worried about them all night, and now I'm worried the water will get too warm with the heater and light on all day. My sister (the preggers one) developed an irregular heart beat this weekend and I was a nervous ninny until we got it figured out. My mom said that if I had a normal pregnancy I'd read things into everything and be one of those hypochondriac pregnant women. I thought that was crazy, and that my concerns were just stemming from the rash of pregnancy problems that have surrounded me this year. Now, after my baby fish have turned me into the nervous wreck that I am starting to think that Mother may be right.....

But Happy October!! October is pretty much my favorite! It's fall and who doesn't love fall!? and then there's my birthday, and halloween. It reminds me of being a little kid in Sioux Falls and I love it. After October we all gear up for the holidays and it's all wonderful from here through about February. I'm so excited for October...I can't help it!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Haha or you are the next Ninny in the making! You were more stressed out than I was!