Friday, April 11, 2008

Giving In to Boost My Spirits

Ok that is the dress....not on me (In case you couldn't tell). I really like it. I should take the princess dress off of here cause I really liked that one too. I just though a view of it would boost my less than sparkling spirits today.

...this week has been pretty stressful. Johnny hasn't been in to work since last friday and won't be going back for another few days at least.

Here's the skinny: Johnny's back was giving him problems (as usual) last thursday and I made him do some stretches with me. (NOTE: What follows is NOT my fault) The next morning he woke up with INTENSE pain in his back and numbness down his leg and the bottom of his foot. Doesn't tell me he's numb until I was over at his house that night around 11:30 so then I (in my drama queen way) panicked and made him go to the ER. They diagnosed him with sciatica and told him to stretch it and heat it and get to physical therapy as soon as possible. Physical Therapy was yesterday and had not improved...AT ALL. So they said it was a problem with his spine, either a herniated or ruptured disk. His MRI at 7 this morning showed it was herniated. Which sucks...but its good because now we know what is actually wrong and it can be treated without surgery.

It stinks that he hurts and I know he's miserable....but I am really enjoying him being off of work.....that's bad I know but I like being able to spend time with him. [EDITED! Dumb mean comment removed by author!]

Sorry...that was selfish and I like my Wedding stuff so you should be excited Halley coming out there a little. But yeah so that's what's going on in my world. Hope everything in yours is bright sunshine and daisies (which happens to be a lot like my wedding stuff). Have a fantasmic evening! :D

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hope everything gets better. I've missed seeing you at work!