Thursday, May 1, 2008

Around the May-Pole in Snow Boots is May Day....and SNOWING. It snowed a little bit yesterday but just the little snowball pellet things and only very briefly. But today there is snow sticking to the ground....I'm having some deja vu from my childhood in South Dakota.

But on to bigger and better subjects: I haven't blogged in a bit because I got tattled on for venting about my future MIL in a venue where they will never see it...but I have repented. I should probably take the post down or make it private...maybe.
Since I haven't written in a bit a lot of schtuff has gone down! So get settled in for a blog-tastically long post...or just leave. No skin off my nose.

A) Most importantly I am FINALLY an Auntie!! My sister Caitlin Reed Sageng gave birth to Mr. Justice Kyng Braithwate on April 29 at 5:18pm. He was 6 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long. Caitlin did a great job and I am very proud of her! The labor was definitely not an easy one, Justice was face down so she was having back labor and had to have an epidural. A couple hours later Justice was still being stubborn and didn't want to come out. It turns out the cord was around his neck and started to go into distress, his heart rate dropped into the low seventies so they wheeled Caitlin into the OR and did an emergency c-section. It was a little scary but Mommy and Baby are both doing well and are beautiful!

They're from a camera phone so they're a little blurry. But these are the very first shots.

B) My Class at the Youth Theatre is finished. I don't think I have ever been so proud in my life! As of the wednesday before class they were still not off book or even close to as ready as they should have been three weeks before. And they got a little bit of a bum chewing. But Friday they were awesome!! They went for quite a while without any missed lines and when someone did miss they caught on and covered. The audience was laughing and they were all having a good time. I was afraid they all just thought I was the mean old lady that yelled at them once a week and that they had no fun or learned anything. The day of the performance they were all happy and having a blast and I caught them playing a round of "Big Booty" before the if they learned nothing else, they learned big booty.

If that last shot doesn't scream "THEATRE KIDS!!" I don't know what does.

C) Johnny is back at work...and we're trying to be very careful with his back. He's on some medication that is supposed to help build up his muscles for the next month or so and then we'll look at more physical therapy or maybe injections to get that herniated disk taken care of. He's been kind of grumpy because he's in pain but it has been quite nice to spend so much time with him. And we've been cooking some delicious dinners. A couple of sundays ago he made a portobello wellington, wild rice, and carrots & parsnips. here are a couple of shots of him (all messy and not happy I took his picture hee hee) and a shot of dinner to make you salivate.

Trust me it was delicious!

Until next time.

1 comment:

Kylie Walker said...

What a fun posting! How exciting for your sister! I wish I had someone like Johnnie to cook me dinner every night, you lucky girl... My number is (203) 901-6728. So how is life treating you dollface?