Monday, May 19, 2008

And We're Back

I know its been a bit of a sabbatical ( I love that word) but I have resolved to get a post out by EOB today! (I started this monday...I fail) It hasn't snowed to the point of sticking since mayday...the mountains and hills are still white most of the time but the roads aren't. In fact down in the valley its been quite toasty the last couple days. I was beginning to think we'd bypassed spring and jumped right in to summer but its cool and rainy for the rest of this week.

I haven't been blogging cause I don't want it to be a whine-spot and I've been feeling a little stressed lately. I have to be out of my house next week and we still have not found where Johnny and I are going to living post-marriage. We were going to buy....but without a sufficient down-payment we weren't going to be able to afford anything worth buying. So we were going to rent...but then we found an application for a down-payment grant from the government so we're in limbo. Luckily there are a couple of girls in my ward at church that I can stay with for a while-up to a couple months until we find something. We actually found a great place last night. It's right over in sugarhouse, its big, low utilities, well maintained....the only problem is it lacks the hookups for laundry. This is a major problem. NOT because I'm a princess!! The issue is that Johnny is a chef and only has so many jackets and pants and they always have to look nice....he does laundry about every 3 nights. We talked with the landlord about the possibility of putting those in either the kitchen (which is big enough to put a shutter closet around a stackable) or in the back bedroom closet. He said he's thought about it before and is more than happy to have it priced out but that he didn't want to promise us anything. He was actually really great and the girl that lives in the apartment now actually knows Johnny and I from the ward that we're in. She said the ward was awesome, they're only moving a few blocks away and will still be in the ward. It was honestly the first place we've looked at that I really liked and felt like I could live there and be happy with it. But the washer/dryer issue is an issue. So we have another one that Johnny is going to see tomorrow ( I might if I can get out of work for a little bit longer of a lunch break). SIGH....I just want to move in!

We have been so busy at work this week! We took over a new call center that includes two of the biggest clinics and we've been slammed all day long! I left early yesterday with a migraine. Nerves and stress plus crazy busy= nausea and headaches for Halley. But today is a short day and I'm going visiting hopefully I'll be buoyed up and blessed by finding a house we can afford! Oh I hope!

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