Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Internets

Oh how I have missed thee. Now that you are back in my life, internet, I am sure you will be a huge help in procrastinating, updating and maybe even finding a job.

No Halley does not have a job yet: color me going crazy! I have had a few more interviews but no more offers. I keep applying and hoping that someone will want me eventually. I have an interview with a staffing agency on thursday morning but they will likely not have anything permanent for me right now. She said if everything goes well then they can put me in their database and maybe find me some temporary to possible hire work. I have some major cabin fever going on in this joint! Hopefully the home internet will make the job search a little more convenient since I won't have to go up to the clubhouse to get online anymore. I will need to use my laptop on wireless though since this computer doesn't have the MS Works suite so my resume wouldn't save or be able to be sent. Also this ergonomic keyboard is a bit unsettling.

Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on. Johnny is working and (thank heavens) getting some overtime. And we have an adorable baby bunny that lives in the bush by our back porch. We've been leaving him some celery and brussel sprouts and he and his family have gobbled them up. He is so cute! Johnny and I call him Peter. He is very speedy, and even though he runs away as soon as he realizes we're watching him, I know we're really good friends!

I'm sorry I've not been so good with the updates in the month we've been here but I promise it will get better!

Bon Avril Poisson demain!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Halley! I'm so happy when you post. Glad you guys are getting settled. Good luck with the job hunt (I STILL haven't found one either. Cabin fever!). Love you bunches!