Friday, March 13, 2009

Quick Update from Kansas

No tornadoes yet! Woohoo!

We are moved in and Johnny is working like mad. He likes his job (I think he's liking the power a lot too). I am still looking for a job. I had an interview on tuesday but the job would not have been good for us and I have a job for a management position with customer care on Monday so wish me luck! Our new apartment is still full of boxes and I really have no motivation to un pack them...much to Johnny's chagrin. I got a new phone number (the collection calls for Aisha Johnson were REALLY getting annoying) so I now have a local number. Let me know if you didn't get the mass text and need my digits. I really don't miss Utah. Sorry. Imiss my friends and family lots and I miss having a job and my friends from work but the place itself...not so much. Our ward here is awesome! The Elder's quorum helped us move in and had everything off the truck in less than an hour. Sunday night we already had an invitation to dinner, everyone is so welcoming and friendly--a complete 180 from our last ward. Its nice being closer to my parents. They came up the first weekend we were here to help us get organized and set up the bed and couch and such. They came up again last weekend for Johnny's and my Dad's birthday. Its so great to know they are a short drive away if I need them or want to visit.

Sorry no pictures of the new place yet. We don't have internet at the house yet so I'm at the clubhouse mooching and looking for a job. Hopefully both the internet and job situations will be remedied soon. That's all for now. Time to make dinner for my husband. Much love!


Elizabeth said...

I am so jealous. Not of the job search though... that is the one thing I'm dreading about moving back. Looking for a job right now sucks big time I hear.
But still. You are in the midwest, which makes everything better!

mr & mrs O. said...

we miss you guys! good luck with the job hunt I'm sure the interview will go great. love ya tonz girl

Jenny said...

You're alive! I'm glad everything is going so well out there (and especially that you're in a good ward this time). Love you bunches!

Brittany said...

So I read this right after you wrote it but didn't notice the part about changing your number. I never got your text! How's KS?