Thursday, February 26, 2009

Last Entry as a Utard!

So if you ever need to get candle wax out of carpet do this: put a brown paper sack over the wax and iron it with a hot iron. It melts the wax and sucks it up into the paper! It's amazing. The wax is almost completely all gone. I had a few trouble spots since the wax got under the baseboards. It took me a bout an hour with the amount of wax there was but I did it and it looks amazing! I was so proud of myself!

So we were little packing machines last night. We enlisted the help of Johnny's nephew, Preston, who is "sick" today and helping the boys load the truck. I went to bed a midnight because I had to work my last (10 hour) shift today. The boys got almost everything packed, except the bedroom and the big furniture, and finally went to bed around 2:30 this morning.

My coworker Marci brought me a stack of boxes so I spent my Saturday night putting them together. I went through an entire roll of tape and totally ruined my nail polish.
I didn't stack them very neatly at first so between the boxes and our suitcases full of all our clothes, we didn't have much of a living room. Just a walkway from the door to the couch.
I tidied them up by the time Johnny Ray came home so we had half a living room until last night.

So long Utah! I don't know when I'll have access to the internet next so it may be a bit before I can blog again. Call me if you miss me too much! Thanks for the last two and a half years, it's been real. We're clicking our heels and heading to Kansas!


twhalliday said...

wow halley im soo happy for you! life is so wonderful when things start to go the way you want them to.good luck with the move and hopefully we will see you more

Ken and Andrea. said...

I'm going to miss you, girl! I seriously love you guys! Have so much fun!