Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Posting Fail

I have been meaning to post for quite some time but have failed miserably. You see I keep taking pictures with the intent of posting them on my blog but then when I get to work and don't get the pictures uploaded I can't think of anything to post sans illustration. And it's pretty sad...cause I had some GREAT blog ideas.

I am working for Amanda today. Her fiance surprised her and flew in from Missouri for Valentine's Day, and since my Hubby is in Missouri doing interviews and we won't be doing anything tonight, I took her shift. Johnny pointed out that since our husband's switched places it only made sense that we switch shifts. It stinks just a little because A) its the first day back from a long weekend so we're busy and B) Johnny has his first interview today and he can't call me when he's done because I'll be on the phones. (It's been an hour and no text message so I hope that means it's going well.)

I still have pretty much nothing packed, and I'm kind of concerned a bit. Johnny says we don't have much so it shouldn't take long but, I've moved before and it ALWAYS takes longer than you think, not to mention we have a lot of crap...he doesn't realize it because it is cleverly disguised. So I figure he won't be working the week he gets back so HE can pack everything up while I'm working. HAHA. (Ok so probably not really everything cause he's a but when he's stressed and I don't want to add to that...or to risk him throwing things out to avoid packing them)

So we had a very nice Valentine's day with our friends Ryan and Jannali (who probably think we are the worst couple in the world now)...but I'll have more on that later when I get those dern pictures uplaoded! Have a happy Fat Tuesday!!


Jenny said...

I can't wait to get a new house, but I DREAD the thought of moving. We have way too much crap, and it stresses me out to even think about it.

So excited to see you tonight!

mr & mrs O. said...

oh whatever! we had so much fun, thx so much for your amazing meal! We will definitely miss you two, you'll just have to come back and visit!

give Ryan and I a call and we'll come help you guys pack and load!

mr & mrs O. said...

p.s don't post the hideous pic's of me from v-day..we can take some cute ones of us and pretend they were taken then! ;)