Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some Explanations

I had to wait to explain until our bums had been covered and we'd notified our employers. SO, Drumroll please>>>>>......>>>>>.....

We Are Moving March 1st!

Johnny left the New Yorker Friday night and he says he feels much that's good. I know it sounds sudden...but the way our apartment lease is set up we have to give thirty days notice, from the 1st. So it was either March first or April first and I don't know that we can afford to move any later because of Rent. We've been talking about moving and planning on moving for a while but now that we have the actual deadline...I'm freaking out! I keep looking around my house trying to figure out how we have nothing, but too much stuff to move out there.
So here's the plan:
**Johnny will be going out to Missouri for a week in the middle of February to actually meet with some people. We're still dealing with people not looking cause we're in Salt Lake. He'll be taking a stack of resumes and hopefully doing some interviewing.
**If he finds a job, he'll be looking for an apartment.
**March First we will be driving our little selves and all our worldly possessions across country. I don't know where our final destination will be. Right now our pit stop will be my parent's house in Carthage, Missouri. (Just a couple weeks at the most)
**Its an adventure....I have to keep telling myself, and sometimes Johnny, it will be an adventure.

So since Johnny is no longer at the New Yorker, I've gotten a glimpse of what a normal marriage looks like. I think I kind of like it. It is a weird feeling knowing that I will see my husband every night and not just as I'm going to bed. We do have a lot more dishes than normal since we've been making dinner every night. But HE'S cleaning the house tonight...HA HA! Tomorrow we finally have our double date with Ryan and Jannali that we've been planning for almost two years now. It's also weird being able to plan a date NOT on Tuesday....or a holiday ON the actual day. For one brief shining moment we thought we could actually have valentine's day ON valentines day...but alas he will be in Missouri and I will be here. I think Amanda and I may have a girls night since both our men will be in the Show me state.

So I hope that fills anyone in who may have had questions. I realize it probably seemed worse than it is...but I'm a drama queen, you should expect that sort of thing by now!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The (not so) Calm Before the Storm

I love my husband. That's what's most important right now. He can be a turd and he has a temper, but I've known that all along. His temper mellowed for a bit, however his neurotin (the medication he's been on for his herniated disk) makes him a bit testy sometimes. But he loves me. I know he loves me even when he's a butthead. He's dropped back on his neurotin considerably but has had to add more pain medicine and muscle relaxers since the accident with the drunk driver. He has to have a neuro CT and bone scan on February 10th because the MRI's have only shown soft tissue damage and given no explanation for his now daily headaches. I know I'm not always as sympathetic as I should be, and I take him for granted. He has been working two jobs the entire time we've been together. He starts at 9 in the morning at the Bakery and would often be out till 11 or later with the New Yorker. He works himself to death and then I expect him to come home and be happy and giggly and playful all the time but the second I have a bad day or headache I'm a total grump and just want to curl up in bed.

Something happened last night. The details are not important. Suffice it to say our ball has been kicked and we are rolling full speed ahead. The next month is going to be a complete whirlwind for us and we are entering completely uncharted territory in our lives. I love my husband, and we can make it through this stronger and happier than ever....that's what's important right now.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yes I know my blog looks a mess, right. I am trying to update with cuteness and the Christmas one is STUCK, hardcore. I'm enabling the help of my somewhat more tech savvy (read: nerdy) friends so it should be fully adorable by tonight. Thanks for your understanding!

EDIT:Ha! I figured it out all on my own...Hooray! Still tweaking it as bit...but it should be fabulous soon!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I am getting really frustrated with the job hunt! Since October we (I for John) have sent in at least 20 resumes to jobs from Kansas City, to Arkansas, to Oklahoma, and yes, even Branson. We've only heard back now from 3...count it, 3! One wrote us back to say the position had been filled, one won't pay enough and is only offering a part-time position (and doesn't know what the hell he's doing) and we just got another email asking if we were planning on moving. The job we applied for in Oklahoma lo the many months ago at the casino is looking for a sous chef again so Johnny'll be calling them today or tomorrow to check up on that. One place, that Johnny would have been GREAT for said "we didn't bother calling you back cause we didn't want to pay to relocate someone." Paid relocation is not necessary for us, we're about at the point of giving notice, packing up, and moving and THEN finding a job. People are not even looking at us cause we live in Utah. Mom thinks it may also be because of the last name. Racist redneck bastards! I've put in the email or cover letter for most of the jobs that we are planning to move or in the process of moving, but still NOTHING. FAH!

I'm getting frustrated and so is Johnny. He is SO over tiredthat I feel like if he's home, he's sleeping. Or I'm sleeping because it's midnight and I have to work in the morning. Not gonna lie, I'm a little starved for attention. Which really makes everything that much more frustrating. I know I'm not the first to go through this schtuff and I will not be the last, and it could be worse, and really I'm just being a big this is my whiney baby post.

On a funner note~I got to babysit Tristan again on saturday. He does not look like a naked turtle anymore, he is definitely a chubster mcgee. And adorable. And I heart him. That is all.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Heart Playgrounds!

Yesterday was my day off for the week. My boss is wonderful and has made sure that no matter what my schedule is she makes sure that I have Tuesday nights off to be with my hubby. He is in winter hours so works in the mornings giving me a chance to sleep in and watch my guilty pleasures like Real Housewives of Orange County, Intervention, the First get the idea. Yesterday I got the urge to go for a walk/jog--if I don't do so immediately when I get these urges, my laziness wins out and I never go. So out I went--I walked over to the park by my house and had the best out of house experience I've had by myself in quite a while. First I played on the swings. I love swinging, I always have. It's the closest I'll ever get to flying. I had a rude awakening when I moved to the monkey bars. After a year and a half of not waiting tables, my tray arm has definitely weakened. I felt very sad and pathetic....and tall cause I could touch the ground! Some boys came to play in the skate park area and I felt lame so I made my way around the park to the duck pond. I love duck ponds! I want a koi pond and a duck pond when I grow up and have a mansion. I watched the ducks and geese and laughed at their noises which sound like laughter. I laughed at the geese that had eaten sticky cake someone left which gave them all crumb mustaches and felt bad for the one who accidentally flew into the tree. I stopped at the swings again and went down the slide before leaving the park, lamenting the fact that I was alone and could, therefore, not play on the teeter-totter. I jogged home and found my house was an oven compared to the cool winter air I'd spent the last hour playing in. I love being a little kid! Maybe the real reason I want to have children is so I can feed ducks and swing and slide and teeter-totter to my heart's content without feeling lame or judged. Maybe the real reason I want to teach elementary school is because I want to that age again, I want to be that person again, I just want to play again!

Friday, January 2, 2009

...And A Happy New Year!

I can not believe it is 2009! I hope you have all had wonderful holidays and celebrations. I had a fabulous first married Christmas. My parents and baby brother came out from Missouri and My Sister and her 8mo old baby came up from Arizona. I loved having my parents staying with us, I'm not sure Johnny loved it quite as much as I did but....that's to be expected I suppose. We were very busy running back and forth doing all kinds of stuff and nothing at all.

Little Tristan was blessed on Sunday by his daddy with help from his Bestefar (my daddy John), his Great grandpa (also John), Uncle Johnny, and some other gentlemen I don't know. This is the second nephew that Johnny has stood in the circle for the blessing of. It is a blessed reminder of how grateful I am that he holds the Priesthood. It's some thing that I know I take for granted, but that is, and has always been, so important to me. One of my goals this year is to live more like the person I want to be in the Gospel. I have been severely lacking in that aspect of my life and I can feel it and it really bothers me. I am so grateful to have the Gospel in my life and the Priesthood in my home. I hope that as we focus more on that part of our lives that we will grow together as a family, we will be prepared to raise children in the gospel, and Johnny will feel worthy and ready to take our own baby into his arms to give her a name and blessing.

That was a little deeper than anticipted.

In all the hustle, I failed to take any pictures ( I know...shocking.) I have elaborate plans to take a post-first Christmas First Christmas picture with our adorable tree which, yes, is still up! I'm not sure if that will actually happen so in the meantime I will bore you with a few of my fav Bridals.

I Love my Mommy!

Alright so we have a couple goofy ones, and A Classic...not really cohesive but it is what you get today!
I was a little excited...just a bit....

I Call this one..."A Woohoo"
I love the background on this one!
Ryan did such a good job I love all the pics...more to come. Not all of them goofy I promise!