Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Heart Playgrounds!

Yesterday was my day off for the week. My boss is wonderful and has made sure that no matter what my schedule is she makes sure that I have Tuesday nights off to be with my hubby. He is in winter hours so works in the mornings giving me a chance to sleep in and watch my guilty pleasures like Real Housewives of Orange County, Intervention, the First get the idea. Yesterday I got the urge to go for a walk/jog--if I don't do so immediately when I get these urges, my laziness wins out and I never go. So out I went--I walked over to the park by my house and had the best out of house experience I've had by myself in quite a while. First I played on the swings. I love swinging, I always have. It's the closest I'll ever get to flying. I had a rude awakening when I moved to the monkey bars. After a year and a half of not waiting tables, my tray arm has definitely weakened. I felt very sad and pathetic....and tall cause I could touch the ground! Some boys came to play in the skate park area and I felt lame so I made my way around the park to the duck pond. I love duck ponds! I want a koi pond and a duck pond when I grow up and have a mansion. I watched the ducks and geese and laughed at their noises which sound like laughter. I laughed at the geese that had eaten sticky cake someone left which gave them all crumb mustaches and felt bad for the one who accidentally flew into the tree. I stopped at the swings again and went down the slide before leaving the park, lamenting the fact that I was alone and could, therefore, not play on the teeter-totter. I jogged home and found my house was an oven compared to the cool winter air I'd spent the last hour playing in. I love being a little kid! Maybe the real reason I want to have children is so I can feed ducks and swing and slide and teeter-totter to my heart's content without feeling lame or judged. Maybe the real reason I want to teach elementary school is because I want to that age again, I want to be that person again, I just want to play again!

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