Saturday, January 24, 2009

The (not so) Calm Before the Storm

I love my husband. That's what's most important right now. He can be a turd and he has a temper, but I've known that all along. His temper mellowed for a bit, however his neurotin (the medication he's been on for his herniated disk) makes him a bit testy sometimes. But he loves me. I know he loves me even when he's a butthead. He's dropped back on his neurotin considerably but has had to add more pain medicine and muscle relaxers since the accident with the drunk driver. He has to have a neuro CT and bone scan on February 10th because the MRI's have only shown soft tissue damage and given no explanation for his now daily headaches. I know I'm not always as sympathetic as I should be, and I take him for granted. He has been working two jobs the entire time we've been together. He starts at 9 in the morning at the Bakery and would often be out till 11 or later with the New Yorker. He works himself to death and then I expect him to come home and be happy and giggly and playful all the time but the second I have a bad day or headache I'm a total grump and just want to curl up in bed.

Something happened last night. The details are not important. Suffice it to say our ball has been kicked and we are rolling full speed ahead. The next month is going to be a complete whirlwind for us and we are entering completely uncharted territory in our lives. I love my husband, and we can make it through this stronger and happier than ever....that's what's important right now.

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