Friday, September 5, 2008


Johnny got done early last night so we got to spend some wonderful and unexpected time together. We watched Kitchen Nightmares and ate some mac'n'cheese before we headed over to Bed Bath and BEYOND to grab a present for Danny and Jenny and a pot for us (to cook in...not piss in.) Right after we blessed our dinner (in which Johnny asked for guidance in our careers) my mom called. My phone was still on vibrate so I heard her leave message. I had just talked to her and she knew Johnny and I were spending some time together so I thought...hmm. She said she'd been reading the newspaper from two days ago and found an interesting listing. About 45 minutes from where my parents live and brand new Vegas-style casino and resort just opened and is looking for a Sous Chef to be over two of their 5 restaurants...native american preference. It has free benefits including medical, dental, vision, a matching 401K and paid Holidays. We haven't decided on anything...its a little too big of a decision to make in 5 minutes...but we are contemplating it. It would be a BIG deal. We would be packing up and moving across they would have to make it worth it. But we had planned on going back to the midwest in a couple years. Johnny says if they tell us to move tomorrow we're nto going.
Here are my pro's:
We'd be closer to my family...and OUT of Utah
Johnny would be AWESOME at that job...and would only have to work 1 job!
Cost of Living is much is the cost of Housing!
Found out the Restaurant I worked at there is also hiring Managers....possibility?
Johnny DESERVES this kind of position.
It's just starting out so if he can be a part of this who knows what kind of opportunities lie in this.
I Could say Forget you Uof U and Finish my stinkin' degree already!
I would get to see Holly once a year!!

Of Course there are Con's:
We would be moving...hello hugeness!
We don't have much in the way of savings to get out there.
It would mean a big upheaval in our lives...apartment, jobs, friends....
I would miss spending lots of time with baby Tristan (though if we were settled and making good money we could afford our own little baby a little sooner...hello pro!)
....I can't think of any more right now"

I'm trying not to get excited about it and treat this like a mature and responsible adult. But I can't help but get a little excited at the sheer possibility. Much fasting and prayer will go into this decision...and it may turn out Johnny doesn't even want to apply...or that they don't want us. For the record though, I think it's a great opportunity and we should at least apply...who knows.....?

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