Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Need to do Thank You Notes!

I have not even started...oi!

It only rained Sunday and a little bit Monday morning but the resulting crisp, fall-like weather has been FABULOUS! I love just makes me want to bundle up and go cheer for the football team. I still don't know how I ended up with the guy who hates to go watch football....oh well. OH! and go pick apples and make tasty apple treats! I love Autumn!

We had a nice date night last evening. We went and saw Hancock at the dollar theatre a couple blocks from our house. We were going to stay and see Kung Fu Panda but the hubster had a headache so we called it a night a little earlier. He is a hoss. He went and worked a full shift at the bakery, ran to the chinese market for his boss, came home and did yardwork until I got home at almost 6 and then went upstairs and put the baseboards on in the kitchen and bathroom in the upstairs apartment. He didn't even get a chance to eat dinner before the movie. His dinner was popcorn and reeses pieces and soy wonder he had a headache. I'm trying really hard to be a good wife...I guess I kind of dropped the ball on that one last night.

Work has been pretty frustrating these last few days. We're really short staffed for all of September. It means I get some much needed overtime moneys but it makes it crazy busy, especially when we have people call out. I'm one of the team leaders and we end up having to be Nazi's and that's just not fun for anyone. I absolutely hate being the bad guy! We've hired several new people and we're workign on getting them trained so I'm sure it will get better in the not too distant future. For now I'll just blow off some steam playing softball after work!

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